Requesting A Controller FAQ

Is it really free?

Absolutely! If you can accept a 3d printed part from the collection, I’ll print it (or have a volunteer do it) and mail it to you for free. This is all paid for by donations or out of my pocket.

How well do these really work?

most of the time, they are a bit awkward, but they can help. I compare it to running on crutches. You’re happy you have the crutches, but it isn’t a perfect solution. Simpler ones work better, and the more complicated they get, the more chance for something to be a bit awkward.

What is the process?

  1. contact me and we will discuss your needs
  2. I’ll place you in line and assign you to a volunteer (or print the parts myself)
  3. I will contact you to tell you when the parts ship (currently this takes several weeks)

What designs are available?

Check out this collection of parts that are available

Can I just print my own or pay a service to print them for me?

Yes! feel free to print your own or use a service to get them printed. here’s a tutorial if you’d like.

What should I expect in delivery?

Whatever you’ve requested, you should receive two of them, fully assembled. I want you to have a spare.

Custom electronics (rare) do not come with extras. Only 3D printed parts come with extras.

What happens if the controller arrives and it doesn’t work / is wrong / is broken?

Please contact me and I’ll work on getting you a replacement. You may have to go to the back of the line, but I’ll take care of it.

Can you design me something custom?

I would love to, but custom designs take much more time and effort than printing existing parts. Please contact me with your needs and I’ll discuss them with you.

I hold contests sometimes and I’ll include your needs in the contest!